Thursday 22 October 2020

How Polls and Surveys Increase Engagement for Brands?

Many brand owners think of new ways to increase user engagement. While they put in a lot of efforts to come up with something new, they tend to forget the simplest of ways, that of polls and surveys. As effective as videos and other highly creative ideas, social polls and surveys can also improve engagement for brands. 

If you too own a brand and you are wondering how you can use these 2 elements, then read this blog, At the end of this blog, you will know how to use them.

How can Surveys and Polls Attract Your Audience?

A leading ORM company in India, Value4Brand says that surveys and polls are interactive social media elements. And without any doubt, a large section of the audience loves to participate in them. Quite interestingly, these are similar to trivia questions. 

However, while trivia questions require a correct answer, social media users find it very comfortable to attempt the polls and surveys based on their personal opinion about something.

Thus, by connecting with social media users on a personal level, brands can increase their engagement. Beyond that personal connection, brands can use surveys and polls to know what the audience thinks about something, with respect to their products or services. Based on their preference, brands can work on their products or services.

Also Read: Engage More Consumers with Online Reputation Management

How can You Use Polls and Surveys for Brand Engagement?

If you want to know your audience's opinion or reaction about something that your brand is doing or providing, then you can create polls and surveys. Remember to keep them interesting yet simple for different types of users to understand, suggests the ORM company in India. Ensure that you post the polls and surveys during the peak hours for maximum engagement. 

And here is the most crucial thing to remember. Polls and surveys are effective. These are more effective when you post them once or twice a week. Posting them too often may not fetch good engagement.

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Wrapping up, we hope social polls and surveys improve and maximize the engagement of your brand.